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Today, I'm sharing with you some tips on how to write that killer first chapter of your new book. If you're struggling to get started on your next novel or piece of short fiction, this primer on what makes a good first chapter will help you make some strong choices about where to start. Read on to discover what I've learned over the last several years while writing fiction, what works well, and why.I'll be discussing the very first chapter of my best-selling horror novel "Pieces of Her." Below are some key points to consider when planning your novel's opening scene.

Slate Books & eBooks / By Alex Nowade - Introduction "This week, you can forget everything you know about writing a novel" - Stephen King, The Outsider 'Where'd you get that book?' I asked Martha. 'Your aunt was kind enough to send it to me,' she said. 'She said I should read it. And that you should too.' 'My aunt?' I said. 'My mother's sister?' 'Yes,' she said.One of the hardest things to learn when writing fiction is how to get started. Sitting down to write your first chapter is difficult enough without having to wrestle with what you're going to put in it! There are so many possibilities, so many directions in which the story might head, that it becomes difficult to decide where exactly to start. The chapters in your novel won't always be chronological, however they must always be relevant. The first few pages are all about setting the scene for what's coming next. They are the beginning of the story, the foundation upon which you will build. The first thing I did when I learned how to write fiction was to read a bunch of books on storytelling. This included "A Writer's Guide to Novel Structuring" by William Zinsser, "Fiction Writing" by Renni Browne and Dave King, and "How to Write Screenplays That Sell" by Larry Cohen. These books enabled me to recognize different types of stories, different ways in which they can be framed, set out in three acts or more, given different types of themes or tones. These are all things that are important when writing fiction. However, what wasn't covered by these three excellent books was how to get started writing a novel. And that's a big gap! If you're a beginner, you need to know how to write that first chapter.The first chapter of your novel is the foundation upon which the rest of your story will be built. It is critical to success so do not ditch it! Spend time getting it right, get it good and solid. Only then will you be able to build out from there and have something worth reading at the end of it all.


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